Nativity Scenes: over 70,000 admissions to Sand Nativity, Ice around 40,000
Peaks of over 7,000 visitors were recorded at the sand sculptures, in Piazza I Maggio almost 4,200 passages in a single day.
Visitors to Jesolo nativity scenes are growing. In the last two weeks, and in particular close to the last weekend of 2024, the Jesolo Sand Nativity and the Ice Nativity have recorded a notable increase in admissions.
The sand sculptures exhibition, inaugurated on Friday 29 November, has exceeded the threshold of 70,000 visitors. The data updated to 1 January attests the passage of 75,260 people with a peak of 7,302 accesses on Sunday 29 December and 43,331 only in the week between Christmas and New Year's Eve. Overall, the figure is an increase of approximately 2,000 units compared to the previous edition. The exhibition can be visited until 9 February.
On the other hand, the visits to the Ice Nativity in Piazza I Maggio have doubled. The exhibition set up in the heart of the historic center, open to the public on Saturday 7 December, has been visited so far by 35,228 people. Also in this case, the day with the greatest attendance is Sunday 29 December with 4,192 passages. On the same date, the last edition of the Ice Nativity had recorded 15,051 visitors. The exhibition can be visited until 12 January.
“These exhibitions, complemented by the enchanting Nativity scene of stones in Piazza Milano, help to fully immerse Jesolo in the Christmas atmosphere and appreciation is confirmed to be growing especially among guests from Germany and Austria, as attested by the attendance surveys – declares the councilor for tourism Alberto Maschio -. These are events curated in detail and in which we firmly believe to support the activities during the holiday period. Precisely for this reason, the growing popularity of the ice sculptures in Piazza I Maggio is particularly important because it demonstrates the potential for growth from a tourist point of view of the historic center of Jesolo and therefore the possible repercussions for this part of the city during the winter”.