Jesolo Sand Nativity and Ice Nativity, the recipients of the charity identified
The famous sand nativity scene will support 9 humanitarian projects and 5 local realities. From the exhibition in Piazza I Maggio, support for the parish of San Giovanni Battista.
The municipal administration has identified the recipients of the funds raised through the Jesolo Sand Nativity and the Ice Nativity. In the first case, the funds deriving from spontaneous donations from visitors and the sale of exhibition merchandise will support 9 humanitarian projects and 5 local entities which, with various initiatives, share the goal of helping those less fortunate, those in need and those who are perhaps just going through a moment of difficulty. In the second case, the resources will go to support the activities carried out by the parish of San Giovanni Battista and in particular those aimed at children.
Description of the initiatives supported by Jesolo Sand Nativity
Location: Africa, diocese of Koudougou, Burkina Faso.
Support for the Saint Maximilian Kolbe Medical Center (CMMK) in the diocese of Koudougou in Burkina Faso. The structure is the only health facility present in the semi-desert territory serving the department which has over 120,000 people including minors, disadvantaged families, elderly people and people with physical and mental disabilities. The Center is in economic difficulty, the salaries of healthcare personnel cannot count on state support, just think that in 2022 Burkina Faso suffered two coups d'état. To guarantee the activity of the Medical Center, a project has been launched for the long-distance adoption of nurses and doctors.
Location: South America, Barraquilla Region Hermana Luz Community, Colombia.
Completion of a "shelter" for children aged 4 to 15, victims of violence and mistreatment. The current environment hosts 170 children mostly from Venezuela. To date, the first floor is completed and operational with a canteen, multiple spaces, a small chapel, a kitchen, a room for manual activities, toilets, a play area on the roof of the building with an adjoining laboratory for small tailoring activities. With the request presented, it is proposed to complete the construction by completing the second floor where the classrooms, library, infirmary, toilets and two dormitories will be located.
PARISH OF SAN GIOVANNI BATTISTA JESOLO – Diocesan Missionary Office of Venice
Location: South America, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.
Renovation of the roofs, bathrooms and dormitory of the orphanage built in 2002 which currently hosts 70 children aged between 3 and 17. The structure requires maintenance, at present the plumbing system has been redone and the electrical system has been repaired. The condition of the roof and ceiling appears to be unsafe, with beams now rotten due to the effect of wear and the very humid climate that characterizes the area. When redoing the roofs, priority will be given to the unsafe ones and the deteriorated wooden beams will be replaced with metal ones. The renovation, in addition to reroofing, would like to include the replacement of the toilets.
Location: Africa, Mida Creek about 30 km from Malindi, Kenya.
Construction of the Family Home, to allow the improvement of the hygienic-health conditions of the children of the Children Home Orphanage of Marafiki, financing the construction of a kitchen and a complementary refectory through the construction of a brick structure, consisting of an equipped kitchen, from a room used as a pantry for food and a shaded porch furnished with enough tables and benches so that all the children can eat while sitting down.
Place: Italy, Padua.
Support for research for the treatment of pediatric B lymphomas, highly aggressive tumors.
Location: Africa, Hwange District, Zimbabwe.
Support for the construction of a water purifier in the Don Bosco Technical College of Hwange in Zimbabwe with the aim of solving the age-old problem of drinking water. Drilling was carried out at the college for the construction of a well, finding water at a depth of 150 metres. After having carried out the necessary tests, an iron content of 15% was found, proving that it was unsuitable for use humans. The construction of the purifier will allow access to drinking water to around 400 boys and girls from the technical middle school, to the Salesians, to the 150 students of the Polytechnic and finally to the surrounding population, which at various times of the year finds itself in serious shortage of drinking water.
Location: Africa, city of Alépé, Ivory Coast.
The Alepè mission, where Sister Tiziana Maule has worked for over 35 years, is a structure managed directly by the Dorotee nuns serving 36 villages and a user base of 150 thousand people. The Mission's only radiological equipment is out of order and, unfortunately, also due to its age, no longer repairable. The contribution will help support the purchase of a new x-ray machine and the adaptation of the room requested by the Ivorian health authorities.
PROGEDIR ONLUS of Milan – Project: a classroom for traveling – Roberto's Journey.
Location: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro.
In the suburbs of Nova Iguaçu in Rio de Janeiro, most of the children and young people have very little education, lack professional qualifications and live in terrible housing conditions. In this situation of poverty, the only way out they find is through violence and crime, which provides easy money and social respect. The project involves the construction of a "Social School" for the poorest and most excluded. It is a two-story structure, which will be located in a space in the land already owned by Espaço Progredir. The structure will include 5 classrooms, 2 offices for administration and reception, bathrooms and a terrace for recreation and sports activities on the roof. With the request presented it is intended to finance the construction of a classroom dedicated to Roberto, from Jesolo killed by local criminals in Brazil, in order to discover his story and learn how even from pain and suffering great gestures of love and hope.
Location: Africa, Guinea Bissau and Sierra Leone.
The project involves the repair of a large structure built near the Bissau cathedral to serve the cultural center damaged by the civil war. The works involve the reconstruction of part of the roof and the construction of drainage channels, given the heavy rains that hit the area for 4 months of the year. The works will be carried out by a local company and followed by the diocesan technical team. In addition to this project, we intend to ask for a contribution to cover the costs of purchasing a car and covering the shipping costs for food, the boat purchased with the Jesolo Sand Nativity 2022 funds and the car.
Projects to support local associations:
– L.I.L.T. Project: Friendly minibus: this is the free transport service aimed at cancer patients who have to go to various hospital facilities for visits or treatments. The service is aimed at patients residing in the municipalities of Jesolo, Eraclea and Cavallino-Treporti. There are 10 volunteer drivers who take turns transporting patients on 4 vehicles provided.
– A.V.O. Hospital Volunteers Association: the hospital volunteers association created the "pajama wardrobe" project, a sort of disposable kit for indigent patients. These are basic necessities such as pajamas, various clothing, personal hygiene products, clothing cleaning services and various medicines to be used during the hospital stay.
– LA COMETA ASSOCIATION of Jesolo: the La Cometa association operates in the social sector of the Jesolo area, providing support services to organizations and families. The objective is to continue with the family consultancy, psychological support and listening service.
– DONNA 2000 VOLUNTARY GROUP: the Donna 2000 Forza Rosa voluntary group with the “Wellbeing Horizons” project carries out various promotion and prevention initiatives through psychological support meetings and physical and motor activities. The proposed initiatives aim to bring together women who have suffered the trauma of a delicate operation. The project involves holding lessons in the gym with the aim of addressing the problems that may arise after the operation or therapy, trying to return to the mobility possessed before the operation; in addition to motor support, the project includes a series of meetings with psychologists and psychotherapists aimed at supporting the patient
– JUST FOR YOU FOUNDATION of Jesolo: the Foundation deals with improving the quality of life of children with serious disabilities, through bringing them closer to the world of sport and recreational activities. In September 2023, the first CAMP was created in collaboration with DYNAMO CAMP (the first Recreational Therapy center in Italy) and the FIPPS (Italian Paralympic Powerchair Sport Federation), in which they were hosted, at the Villaggio Marzotto in Jesolo, in a totally free, 30 families, for a total of 114 people including children, siblings and parents. The project was completely financed by the Foundation and given the great response it has received, it is intended to double the events in 2024.