The eighteenth edition of "Jesolo Sand Nativity" will be inaugurated Saturday 7 December , at 4 pm , in Piazza Marconi in Jesolo Lido and will have as its theme the Beatitudes .
Un appuntamento atteso dalla città e dai suoi turisti che quest’anno ha visto protagonisti 11 artisti che hanno lavorato circa mille metri cubi di sabbia per offrire al pubblico nove splendide sculture.
Il team di undici artisti internazionali, coadiuvato dal direttore artistico Richard Varano (Stati Uniti), è composto da Damon Farmer (Stati Uniti), David Ducharme (Canada), Richard Baldrick Buckle (Regno Unito), Pedro Mira (Portogallo), Michela Ciappini (Italia), Marielle Hessels (Olanda), Charlotte Koster (Olanda), Pavel Mylnikov (Russia), Ilya Filimontsev (Russia), Susanne Ruseler (Olanda) e Radovan Zivny (Repubblica Ceca).
The exhibition, as always organized by the Municipality of Jesolo with the precious collaboration of the participated companies Jesolo Turismo and Jesolo Patrimonio , will be open to the public until to the next 9 February 2020 .
With over 1 million visitors registered since 2002, the event is confirmed as one of the most important events of the winter season and, after the success of the Sand Nativity in Piazza San Pietro in Rome last year, will see some sand sculptures also exhibited at Matera , European Capital of Culture 2019.
In addition to expressing beauty and culture, Sand Nativity will be faithful to solidarity commitment which since 2004 accompanies the Jesolo Christmas event. The offers collected during the two months of the exhibition will support important beneficial projects in Italy and in the world. To date, the generosity of visitors has made it possible to contribute to works and initiatives of a social nature for over 700 thousand euros .